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Reducing Inequality through a Summer Youth Employment Program in Boston

Reducing Inequality through a Summer Youth Employment Program in Boston

Summary of the Randomized Evaluation


United States (Boston, MA).


Researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the impact of the Boston Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) on participants' social behaviours, academic aspirations, and job readiness skills. The study involved 4,083 youth, who were selected through a lottery system.


  • Community Engagement and Social Skills
SYEP participants reported higher levels of community engagement and improved social skills compared to the control group. For example, the percentage of participants feeling connected to their communities increased by 12.9 percentage points.
Knowledge of conflict resolution and the ability to ask for help also saw significant improvements among participants.

  • Job Readiness
Participants demonstrated substantial gains in job readiness skills, such as preparing resumes and cover letters, practising interview skills, and developing answers to interview questions.
Notably, Black male youth showed significant improvements in social skills and interview preparedness, indicating targeted benefits for this group.

  • Future Aspirations
Participation in the SYEP influenced participants' academic aspirations, with a notable increase in the desire to pursue higher education. The likelihood of participants planning to attend a four-year university increased by 8.1 percentage points compared to the control group. Black and Latina female participants showed particularly significant increases in their aspirations to attend college.

  • Policy Implications
The results suggest that SYEPs can play a critical role in reducing inequality by providing valuable early work experiences that enhance social skills, job readiness, and academic aspirations, particularly for Black and Latino/a youth. These programs offer a promising strategy to address structural barriers and improve long-term employment outcomes.


The Boston SYEP demonstrated significant positive impacts on community engagement, job readiness, and academic aspirations, especially for disadvantaged youth. These findings support the potential of SYEPs to reduce racial and socio-economic disparities by providing early work experiences and skill-building opportunities.

Modestino, Alicia Sasser and Richard J. Paulsen. 2019. "Reducing inequality summer by summer: Lessons from an evaluation of the Boston Summer Youth Employment Program." Evaluation and Program Planning, 72: 40-53

Disclaimer: This article is from a series of randomized evaluations worldwide database that we are gathering for educational purposes. If you need any additional information about a particular study, please contact the authors. All studies are credited to the original authors. 

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