Welcome to CLEAI
Center for Law, Economics, and
Artificial Intelligence

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Park Place Cardiff
CF10 3AX Wales UK

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Activities, academic conferences, and workshops | CLEAI



Center for Law, Economics, and Artificial Intelligence 

Activities, academic conferences, and workshops

At CLEAI, we actively develop, disseminate, and promote cutting-edge academic scholarship that examines the relationships between law, economics, and technology-related fields. Our research initiatives explore the impact of emerging technologies on social equity, labour markets, and democratic institutions, generating actionable insights to inform policymaking and industry practices. Complementing our research targets, we organise academic conferences, workshops, and public events that bring together leading researchers, students, policymakers, industry representatives, and members of the public.

These collaborative platforms foster interdisciplinary dialogue, knowledge exchange, and the cross-pollination of ideas, enabling us to collectively shape inclusive technological trajectories that prioritise shared prosperity and democratic values. By bridging academia with the broader community, we strive to democratise access to knowledge and cultivate a diverse ecosystem of stakeholders committed to harnessing the transformative potential of AI for the benefit of all but especially the most vulnerable communities. 
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