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Showing posts with label Chicago. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicago. Show all posts

The Effect of School Choice on Student Outcomes in the United States

The Effect of School Choice on Student Outcomes in the United States

Summary of the Randomized Evaluation


United States (Chicago)


Julie Berry Cullen, Brian Jacob, Steven Levitt


Researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in partnership with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to evaluate the impact of school choice on student outcomes. The study involved 14,434 eighth-grade students who participated in randomized lotteries for admission to 19 different high schools. By comparing students who won the lottery (and thus attended their chosen schools) with those who did not, researchers aimed to identify any systematic benefits provided by attending these schools.

Chicago Public Schools operates one of the most extensive school choice programs in the United States. In this system, students can apply to attend schools outside their assigned neighbourhood schools. When the number of applications exceeds available spots, lotteries are used to allocate admissions, ensuring a randomized and fair selection process.
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